Are they interested in a relationship?


It can be hard to know if somebody is into you and a lot of people ask us to help them find out, just like this person.

They asked: My crush is really focused on her studies and I’m not sure if she’s interested in a relationship with me, but she seems keen to talk to me when I start a conversation with her. I’m not sure what to do, any advice?

When we asked our online community to send us questions, that's what they sent back.

We wanted an answer that made sense to you, so we went out to our followers and asked them what they thought.

Here's what they said.

Are they interested in a relationship?

  • Rayne They want a relationship but they also want an education. If you ask me they're just getting their priorities straight and in order.
  • Jack Just keep talking to her. If something is going to happen it will …maybe give her a hint that you like her?
  • April Ask her what she wants, don't just make the decision that you're not going to ask her out because you know she's focused on her studies - you need to cater to what she wants as well! But whatever she decides, respect it and she will like you a whole lot more for respecting her decision, whatever that may be :) 
  • Bianca Be blunt. Ask her. Or wait until her studies are over. If she's worth it your feelings for her won't go away.
  • Jason Study with her, but help her with her studies as well. She's really keen to pass her exams, I'm pretty sure, so once the stress on that is off, ask her out. ALSO, A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If she doesn't want to focus on being in a relationship and wants to focus on her education, respect her for that. There will still be a chance for you.
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As always, there were plenty of different responses to this one, but being open and honest and actually asking if the other person is interested was a good common suggestion.

While some think that guessing or waiting around and hoping will do the trick, people pointed out here that actually asking is going to work better.

And obviously, do it respectfully – giving someone a hint that you like them can be a good start, like asking if they'd want to hang out sometime.

Remember it's not about trying to get physical without consent.

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